SAMMI Spotify Authentication (part1)

  1. Log into a developer account on Spotify: This must be the same account you're using to play your Spotify music.
  2. Go to your Dashboard and click on Create App button.

  3. Fill out the necessary fields and press Save:
    • App Name: SAMMI Spotify (or any name you want)
    • App Description: Integration with SAMMI (or any description you want)
    • Website: Leave it empty
    • Redirect URL:
    • Which API/SDKs are you planning to use?: Web API

  4. You should now see your created application. (If not, go to Dashboard and click on your application name). Press Settings button.

  5. Click on View client secret

  6. Copy both your Client ID and Client Secret, paste them below and click on Authenticate. This might take a few seconds to load. You will be then prompted to authenticate your own app you just created.

    Client ID: Client Secret: