Date and Time


Introduction #

Tokens #

Tokens are used to denote different parts of a datetime string.
They are case-sensitive, and each token must be wrapped in {} to use:
{YYYY MM Do} ❌
{YYYY} {MM} {Do} ✔
{hh:mm} ❌
{hh}:{mm} ✔

  Token Output Description
Year YY 70, 71, … 68, 69 Year without century
  YYYY 1970, 1971, … 2068, 2069 Year with century
Month M 1, 2, … 11, 12 Without leading zero
  Mo 1st, 2nd, … 11th, 12th With ordinals
  MM 01, 02, … 11, 12 With leading zero
  MMM Jan, Feb, … Nov, Dec Short-form month name
  MMMM January, February, … November, December Full month name
Day of the month D 1, 2, … 30, 31 Without leading zero
  Do 1st, 2nd, … 30th, 31st With ordinals
  DD 01, 02, … 30, 31 With leading zero
Day of the week d 0, 1, … 5, 6 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, etc
  do 0th, 1st, … 5th, 6th With ordinals
  dd Su, Mo, … Fr, Sa 2 letters
  ddd Sun, Mon, … Fri, Sat 3 letters
  dddd Sunday, Monday, … Friday, Saturday Full name
Hour H 0, 1, … 22, 23 Without leading zero (24h format)
  HH 00, 01, … 22, 23 With leading zero (24h format)
  h 1, 2, … 11, 12 Without leading zero (12h format)
  hh 01, 02, … 11, 12 With leading zero (12h format)
  k 1, 2, … 23, 24 Without leading zero (24h format, where 24: replaces 00:)
  kk 01, 02, … 23, 24 With leading zero (24h format, where 24: replaces 00:)
Minute m 0, 1, … 58, 59 Without leading zero
  mm 00, 01, … 58, 59 With leading zero
Second s 0, 1, … 58, 59 Without leading zero
  ss 00, 01, … 58, 59 With leading zero
AM/PM A AM, PM Uppercase
  a am, pm Lowercase
Time Zone Z -12:00, -11:00, … +11:00, +12:00 With separator
  ZZ -1200, -1100, … 1100, 1200 Without separator
Uniz Timestamp X (really long number) Number of seconds since Jan 1 1970 00:00 UTC

Keywords #

These are specific values that can be used instead of tokens for specific inputs/outputs.
Some can be used instead of a Format, while others can be used instead of a Date.
Format keywords are case-sensitive unless they have a next to them.


Keyword Example
LT 1:23 PM
LTS 1:23:45 PM
L 01/23/2004
l 1/23/2004
LL January 23, 2004
ll Jan 23, 2004
LLL January 23, 2004 1:23 PM
lll Jan 23, 2004 1:23 PM
LLLL Friday, January 23, 2004 1:23 PM
llll Fri, Jan 23, 2004 1:23 PM
ISO 8601
RFC 3339



  • yesterday
  • today
  • tomorrow


Get Date/Time #

Returns the current Date/Time, in the format provided.

Box Name Type Description
Format String String including date/time tokens
Variable Name String Variable to save the string in
Token(s) used Result
{YY}{MM}{DD} 040123
{hh}:{mm}:{ss}{a} on {Do} {MMM} {YYYY} 1:23:45pm on 23rd Jan 2004


Date/Time Math #

Returns a Date/Time, in the format specified, after adding or subtracting an amount of time.

Box Name Type Description
Variable Name String Variable to save the string in.
Input Format String String including date/time tokens.
Date/Time String Datetime String in the Input format.
Operator Dropdown += or -=
Number/Variable String Amount to be added or subtracted.
Unit Dropdown Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Months, or Years.
Output Format String String including date/time tokens. It’s equal to Input Format if it’s left empty.


Date/Time Diff #

Returns the duration between 2 datetimes, in the unit specified.
The second date is subtracted from the first, so today - yesterday will return a positive number, while yesterday - today will return a negative number.

Box Name Type Description
Variable Name String Variable to save the result in
Format String String including date/time tokens
Date/Time String Datetime String in the Input format
Date/Time String Datetime String in the Input format
Unit Dropdown Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Months, or Years