

Send Chat Message #

Sends a new chat message to your YouTube live chat.

Box Name Type Description
Channel Dropdown Select your YouTube channel from the drop down menu
Message String New message to send to your channel under your YouTube channel name.


Change Status #

Changes your live stream status.

Box Name Type Description
Channel Dropdown Select your YouTube channel from the drop down menu
Title String New title for your live stream
Category String New category for your live stream
Description String New description for your live stream


Get Stats #

Retrieves your YouTube channel and live stream stats.

Box Name Type Description
Channel Dropdown Select your YouTube channel from the drop down menu
Save Variable As String Variable name to save the retrieved value
Type Dropdown Information you want to retrieve:
- Live Viewers
- Live Total Views
- Live Likes
- Live Dislikes
- Channel ID
- Channel Video Count
- Channel Subscribers
- Channel Views
- Channel Picture


User Subscription Status #

Verifies whether the user is your subscriber or not.
1 = subscriber, 0 = not a subscriber

Box Name Type Description
Channel Dropdown Select your YouTube channel from the drop down menu
User Name or ID String Username or channel ID of the user (providing a username only works if the user has chatted before in your current streaming session)
Save Variable As String Variable name to save the user subscriber status


Ban User #

Bans a viewer. Must supply either their chat username (this will only work if they previously chatted in your current streaming session) or their channel ID.
You can remove a timeout from a user by timing them out again with 0 seconds duration.

Box Name Type Description
Channel Dropdown Select your YouTube channel from the drop down menu
User Name or ID String Username or channel ID of the viewer you wish to ban
Type Dropdown Ban type. Temporary means the user will be only timed out.
Duration Number (only if you selected temporary ban) Duration if timeout in seconds.
Save Ban ID Variable As String Save the Ban ID into a Variable so you can later use it in Unban User command.


Unban User #

Unbans a user. Must provide their Ban ID you retrieved when you used Ban User command.

Box Name Type Description
Channel Dropdown Select your YouTube channel from the drop down menu
Ban ID String Ban ID of the user you wish to unban.