

Send Chat Message #

Sends a message to your Twitch chat from your default account that is connected to SAMMI.
You can send emotes, whispers and chat commands (if your account has the privileges). See a list of all possible chat commands.
Whispers might not natively work. Make sure your linked Twitch account contains Send Whispers scope in your Twitch Connections-Edit Scope menu. Twitch may also flag you as a bot and ask you to verify your bot account.

Box Name Type Description
Message String The message to be sent over the chat.
Channel Name String Channel to send the message to. Leave blank unless you have multiple accounts connected to SAMMI (all lowercase).
Chat Message Example Description
/followers Sets the chat to follower mode
/emoteonly Sets chat to emote only mode
/clear Clears the chat
/w commanderroot Sends a whisper to commanderroot
/ban silverlink Bans Silverlink


Open Whispers #

This command will turn on Twitch whisper alerts (they are disabled by default).
All whispers will be received as Twitch Whisper triggers.

Box Name Type Description
Allow Checkbox Checked = enable, unchecked = disable


Join Channel #

This command lets you join any Twitch chat channel.
You do not need to use this command to join your own channel as long as it’s linked to SAMMI, as it will join the chat automatically as soon as you launch Bridge.

Box Name Type Description
Channel Name String Twitch channel name. Must be the login name, not display name.


Leave Channel #

This command lets you leave a Twitch chat channel you previously joined.
Can be your own channel as well.

Box Name Type Description
Channel Name String Twitch channel name. Must be the login name, not display name.


Get Twitch Connection Info #

Get connection information for the selected Twitch account, such as your User ID or OAuth Token.

Box Name Type Description
Account Login Name String Your Twitch login name
Variable String Variable to save the result
Get Dropdown Value to get. User ID, OAuth token, Login Name or Display Name


Change Stream Status #

Modifies your channel information.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name String Your Twitch login name (all lowercase characters) to change the stream status of
Title String The title of the stream. Value must not be an empty string.
Game String The current game name being played on the channel, for example Doom.
Language String The language of the channel. A language value must be either the ISO 639-1 two-letter code for a supported stream language or “other”.


Create Clip #

Creates a new clip.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name String Your Twitch login name (all lowercase characters) to change the stream status of
Save Variable String Variable to save your newly created clip ID


Get User Info #

Retrieves information about a Twitch user. Provide either their username or user ID (leave the other one empty).

If your receiver crashes with an error log relating to this command, make sure you have enabled the View email address scope in your Twitch connection settings. The command will not work without this scope enabled.

Box Name Type Description
User Name String Username to get the information for
User ID Number User ID to get the information for
Save Variable String Variable to save the whole object

You can access the response object fields by using Get Object Variable command. The object is the Save Variable and key is one of the response fields.

Response fields:

Field Type Description
broadcaster_type string User’s broadcaster type: “partner”, “affiliate”, or “”.
description string User’s channel description.
display_name string User’s display name.
id string User’s ID.
login string User’s login name.
offline_image_url string URL of the user’s offline image.
profile_image_url string URL of the user’s profile image.
type string User’s type: “staff”, “admin”, “global_mod”, or “”.
view_count integer Total number of views of the user’s channel.
email string User’s verified email address. Returned if the request includes the user:read:email scope.
created_at string Date when the user was created.


Get Game Info #

Gets game information by game name.

Box Name Type Description
Game Name String Game name. The name must be an exact match. For example, “Pokemon” will not return a list of Pokemon games; instead, query any specific Pokemon games in which you are interested. At most 100 name values can be specified.
Save Variable String Variable name to save the response

You can access the response object fields by using Get Object Variable command. The object is the Save Variable and key is one of the response fields.

Response fields:

Field Type Description
box_art_url Object Template URL for the game’s box art.
id string Game ID.
name string Game name.


Get Channel Info #

Gets specified channel information.

Box Name Type Description
User ID Number ID of the channel
Save Variable String Variable to save the response

You can access the response object fields by using Get Object Variable command. The object is the Save Variable and key is one of the response fields.

Response fields:

Field Type Description
broadcaster_id string Twitch User ID of this channel owner
broadcaster_name string Twitch user display name of this channel owner
game_name string Name of the game being played on the channel
game_id string Current game ID being played on the channel
broadcaster_language string Language of the channel. A language value is either the ISO 639-1 two-letter code for a supported stream language or “other”.
title string Title of the stream
delay integer Stream delay in seconds


Get Stream Info #

Gets information about an active stream.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name String Channel name for the stream
Save Variable String Variable name to save the whole response object

You can access the response object fields by using Get Object Variable command. The object is the Save Variable and key is one of the response fields.

Response fields:

Field Type Description
id string Stream ID.
user_id string ID of the user who is streaming.
user_login string Login of the user who is streaming.
user_name string Display name corresponding to user_id.
game_id string ID of the game being played on the stream.
game_name string Name of the game being played.
type string Stream type: “live” or “” (in case of error).
title string Stream title.
viewer_count int Number of viewers watching the stream at the time of the query.
started_at string UTC timestamp.
language string Stream language. A language value is either the ISO 639-1 two-letter code for a supported stream language or “other”.
thumbnail_url string Thumbnail URL of the stream. All image URLs have variable width and height. You can replace {width} and {height} with any values to get that size image
tag_ids string Shows tag IDs that apply to the stream.
is_mature boolean Indicates if the broadcaster has specified their channel contains mature content that may be inappropriate for younger audiences.


Get Subscription Status #

Checks if a specific user is subscribed to your channel.
Returns an empty object if the user is not subscribed.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name String Your Twitch channel login name (all lowercase characters)
User ID Number User ID to check for active subscription
Save Variable String Variable name to save the response

You can access the response object fields by using Get Object Variable command. The object is the Save Variable and key is one of the response fields.

Response fields:

Field Type Description
broadcaster_id string User ID of the broadcaster.
broadcaster_login string Login of the broadcaster.
broadcaster_name string Display name of the broadcaster.
is_gift boolean Indicates if the subscription is a gift.
gifter_login string Login of the gifter (if is_gift is true).
gifter_name string Display name of the gifter (if is_gift is true).
tier string Subscription tier. 1000 is tier 1, 2000 is tier 2, and 3000 is tier 3.


Get Subscriber Count #

Returns the amount of subscribers your channel currently has.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name String Your Twitch login name (all lowercase characters)
Save Variable String Variable name to save the subscriber count


Get Follower Count #

Returns the amount of followers your channel currently has.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name String Your Twitch login name (all lowercase characters)
Save Variable String Variable name to save the follower count


Create Reward #

Creates a Channel Point Reward on Twitch that will be owned by SAMMI. Make sure you use a ‘Wait until Timeout’ command after this command, before adding any other commands after it.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name String Your Twitch login name (all lowercase characters)
Title String What you want to name your new reward.
Cost Number How much you want the reward to cost. You can use variables.
Color Dropdown Display colour of the reward on Twitch.
Input Checkbox If enabled, requires a viewer’s input.
Description String Description of the reward.
Save ID Variable As String Variable to save the reward ID as.


Edit Reward #

Updates a Custom Reward created on your channel. This means that the reward must show that it is ‘Owned’ by SAMMI in the Twitch Connections > Edit Channel Points window.

Selecting ‘Dupe’ in the Edit Channel Points window allows you to duplicate your existing Twitch-created Channel Point Rewards so that they are created and owned by SAMMI. Once you have duplicated the rewards you want, go back into Twitch and delete your Twitch-created rewards.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name String Your Twitch login name (all lowercase characters)
Reward ID Dropdown ID of the custom reward to update. You can select it from the dropdown menu or type manually.
Name String The title of the reward
Cost Number The cost of the reward
Enabled Checkbox If the reward is currently enabled or not. If not enabled, the reward won’t show up to viewers.
Pause Checkbox If the reward is currently paused. If paused, viewers cannot redeem it.


Extra Edit Reward #

Updates a Custom Reward created on your channel, allowing you to change additional settings that are not accessible from the regular Edit Reward command.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name String Your Twitch login name (all lowercase characters)
Reward ID Dropdown ID of the custom reward to update.
Description String Description of the reward.
Color Dropdown Display colour of the reward on Twitch.
User Input Checkbox If enabled, requires a viewer’s input.
Skip Queue Checkbox If enabled, allows the redemption to skip the queue.
Cooldown Number Amount of seconds the reward will be in a cooldown. Variables are allowed.
Max/User Number Number of allowed redemptions per user. Variables are allowed.
Max/Stream Number Number of allowed redemptions per stream. Variables are allowed.


Delete Reward #

Deletes your previously created reward.
You can only delete rewards that were previously created with SAMMI. This means the reward must show that it is ‘Owned’ by SAMMI in the Twitch Connections > Edit Channel Points window.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name String Your Twitch login name (all lowercase characters)
Reward ID Dropdown ID of the custom reward to delete.


Change Redemption Status #

Updates the status of custom reward redemption that has UNFULFILLED status.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name String Your Twitch login name (all lowercase characters)
Reward ID Dropdown ID of the custom reward to change the status. You can select it from the dropdown menu or type manually.
Redeem ID String ID of the Custom Reward Redemption to update
Status Dropdown The new status to set redemptions to. Can be either FULFILLED or CANCELED. Updating to CANCELED will refund the user their channel points.


Create Marker #

Creates a marker in your stream. A marker is an arbitrary point in a stream that the broadcaster wants to mark; e.g., to easily return to later. The marker is created at the current timestamp in the live broadcast when the request is processed. Your stream must be live.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name String Your Twitch login name (all lowercase characters)
Description String Description of or comments on the marker. Max length is 140 characters.


Create Prediction 2 Outcomes #

Creates a new prediction for your channel with 2 outcomes. Must be at least affiliate.
If you want to create a prediction with more than 2 outcomes, you can use Create Prediction command instead.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name String Your Twitch login name (all lowercase characters)
Prediction Name String Question displayed for the prediction. Maximum: 60 characters.
Choice 1 String Text displayed for the choice. Maximum: 25 characters.
Choice 2 String Text displayed for the choice. Maximum: 25 characters.
Duration Number Total duration for the prediction (in seconds).


Create Prediction #

Creates a new prediction for your channel with 2-10 outcomes. Must be at least affiliate.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name String Your Twitch login name (all lowercase characters)
Prediction Name String Question displayed for the prediction. Maximum: 60 characters.
Choice Array Name String Name of the array containing all your outcome names (min 2, max 10)
Duration Number Total duration for the prediction (in seconds).


End Prediction #

Ends a currently running prediction.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name String Your Twitch login name (all lowercase characters).
Status Dropdown Status of the ending prediction.
Prediction ID String Prediction ID, wrapped in /$$/ if a variable is being used.
Result ID (resolved only) String Result ID, wrapped in /$$/ if a variable is being used.


Create Poll #

Creates a new poll for your channel. Must be at least affiliate. Minimum amount of 2 choices.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name String Your Twitch login name (all lowercase characters)
Poll Name String Question displayed for the poll. Maximum: 60 characters.
Choice 1-5 String Text displayed for the choice. Maximum: 25 characters.
Duration Number Total duration for the poll (in seconds).
Points Number Number of Channel Points required to vote once with Channel Points. Minimum: 0. Maximum: 1000000.
Bits Number Number of Bits required to vote once with Bits. Minimum: 0. Maximum: 10000.


Get Latest Poll/Prediction ID #

Gets the latest poll or prediction ID to use with Get Poll/Prediction Result. This only works for predictions/polls initiated through SAMMI.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name String Your Twitch login name (all lowercase characters)
Get Dropdown Whether it’s a poll or prediction ID
Save Variable String Variable name to save the ID


Get Poll/Prediction Result #

Gets the result of a poll or prediction. Must provide its ID which can be retrieved by listening to Twitch Poll/Prediction triggers or from Get Latest Poll/Prediction ID command.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name String Your Twitch login name (all lowercase characters)
Poll/Prediction ID The ID of your poll or prediction  
Get Dropdown Whether it’s a poll or prediction
Save Variable String Variable name to save the response

You can access the response object fields by using Get Object Variable command. The object is the Save Variable and key is one of the response fields.

Response fields for polls:

Field Type Description
id string ID of the poll.
broadcaster_id string ID of the broadcaster.
broadcaster_name string Name of the broadcaster.
broadcaster_login string Login of the broadcaster.
title string Question displayed for the poll.
choices object[] Array of the poll choices. string ID for the choice.
choice.title string Text displayed for the choice.
choice.votes integer Total number of votes received for the choice across all methods of voting.
choice.channel_points_votes integer Number of votes received via Channel Points.
choice.bits_votes integer Number of votes received via Bits.
bits_voting_enabled boolean Indicates if Bits can be used for voting.
bits_per_vote integer Number of Bits required to vote once with Bits.
channel_points_voting_enabled boolean Indicates if Channel Points can be used for voting.
channel_points_per_vote integer Number of Channel Points required to vote once with Channel Points.
status string Poll status. Valid values are:
ACTIVE: Poll is currently in progress.
COMPLETED: Poll has reached its ended_at time.
TERMINATED: Poll has been manually terminated before its ended_at time.
ARCHIVED: Poll is no longer visible on the channel.
MODERATED: Poll is no longer visible to any user on Twitch.
INVALID: Something went wrong determining the state.
duration integer Total duration for the poll (in seconds).
started_at string UTC timestamp for the poll’s start time.
ended_at string UTC timestamp for the poll’s end time. Set to null if the poll is active.

Response fields for predictions:

Field Type Description
id string ID of the Prediction.
broadcaster_id string ID of the broadcaster.
broadcaster_name string Name of the broadcaster.
broadcaster_login string Login of the broadcaster.
title string Title for the Prediction.
winning_outcome_id string ID of the winning outcome. If the status is ACTIVE, this is set to null.
outcomes object[] Array of possible outcomes for the Prediction. string ID for the outcome.
outcome.title string Text displayed for outcome.
outcome.users integer Number of unique uesrs that chose the outcome.
outcome.channel_points integer Number of Channel Points used for the outcome.
outcome.top_predictors object[] Array of users who were the top predictors. null if none. string ID of the user. string Display name of the user.
outcome.top_predictors.user.login string Login of the user.
outcome.top_predictors.user.channel_points_used integer Number of Channel Points used by the user.
outcome.top_predictors.user.channel_points_won integer Number of Channel Points won by the user.
outcome.color string Color for the outcome. Valid values: BLUE, PINK
prediction_window integer Total duration for the Prediction (in seconds).
status string Status of the Prediction. Valid values are:
RESOLVED: A winning outcome has been chosen and the Channel Points have been distributed to the users who guessed the correct outcome.
ACTIVE: The Prediction is active and viewers can make predictions.
CANCELED: The Prediction has been canceled and the Channel Points have been refunded to participants.
LOCKED: The Prediction has been locked and viewers can no longer make predictions.
created_at string UTC timestamp for the Prediction’s start time.
ended_at string UTC timestamp for when the Prediction ended. If the status is ACTIVE, this is set to null.
locked_at string UTC timestamp for when the Prediction was locked. If the status is not LOCKED, this is set to null.


End Poll #

Ends a poll that is currently active.

Box Name Type Description
Login Name String Your Twitch login name (all lowercase characters)
Status Dropdown TERMINATED: End the poll manually, but allow it to be viewed publicly.
ARCHIVED: End the poll manually and do not allow it to be viewed publicly.
Poll ID String ID of the poll.


Send Announcement #

Sends an chat message in the ‘Announcement’ format.

Box Name Type Description
Announcement String Your announcement.
Channel Name String Channel for the announcement to be made in. Leave blank for default.