INI Files


General #

With the following commands you can save and load data to .ini files. Unlike with variables and stacks, the data is permanently saved and can be loaded again after you close and reopen SAMMI.

Rules for saving and loading ini files:

  1. Each file needs to have a specific structure for SAMMI to read it, containing [section] and key=”value”.

    Ini file structure
    Ini file structure
  1. You can only save and load .ini files placed in your SAMMI folder or one of its inner folders.
  2. Make sure to use the right command for loading and saving data. There are different commands for text (strings) and different commands for numbers (real values).
  3. Use relative path for loading and reading ini files. I.e. test.ini if you wanna load a file from your SAMMI folder or /image/test.ini if you wanna load one from your SAMMI/image folder.
  4. You do not need to include the extension when loading a file. test is totally acceptable.


File: Save Number #

Saves a number to .ini file.

Box Name Type Description
File Name String Name of the file. Will create one if it doesn’t exist. Do not include the path.
Section String The section to save the key under.
Key String Name of the value to be saved.
Value String Value to be saved as the key value.


File: Save Text #

Saves text (string) to .ini file.

Box Name Type Description
File Name String Name of the file. Will create one if it doesn’t exist. Do not include the path.
Section String The section to save the key under.
Key String Name of the value to be saved.
Text String Text to be saved as the key value.


File: Load Number #

Loads a number (real value) from .ini file. Will return 0 if it doesn’t exist.

Box Name Type Description
File Name String Name of the file to load
Section String The section to load the key
Key String Name of the key to be loaded
Variable String Variable name you want to save the loaded string under


File: Load Text #

Loads text (string) from .ini file. Will return 0 if it doesn’t exist.

Box Name Type Description
File Name String Name of the file to load
Section String The section to load the key
Key String Name of the key to be loaded
Variable String Variable name you want to save the loaded string under


File: Delete Key #

Deletes a key within the specified section in a .ini file.

Box Name Type Description
File Name String Name of the file. Will create one if it doesn’t exist. Do not include the path.
Section String The section to find the key.
Key String Key to delete.


File: Delete Section #

Deletes a whole section of a .ini file, along with all its keys inside of it.

Box Name Type Description
File Name String Name of the file. Will create one if it doesn’t exist. Do not include the path.
Section String The section to delete.


File: Key Exists #

Check if a key exists within a given section of a .ini file.
Returns 1 if the key exists and 0 if it does not exist.

Box Name Type Description
File Name String Name of the file. Will create one if it doesn’t exist. Do not include the path.
Section String The section to look inside of.
Key String Name of the key you wish to check.
Variable String Variable to save the result in.


File: Section Exists #

Checks if a section exists within the specified .ini file.
Returns 1 if the section exists and 0 if it does not exist.

Box Name Type Description
File Name String Name of the file. Will create one if it doesn’t exist. Do not include the path.
Section String The section to check.
Variable String Variable to save the result in.


File: INI to Object #

Converts an INI file into an Object. The Object will have each key as the section name and each value as an object will the keys from the INI file.

Box Name Type Description
Object Name String Object to save the INI content.
File Path String File to save into the object. Can use relative or absolute path.
File Object Returned
  names: {
  Points: {


File: Object to INI #

Converts a properly formatted Object into an INI file. The Object needs to be a nested object, with each object inside being a section of the INI file.

Box Name Type Description
Object Name String Nested object to convert into the INI file.
File Path String File to save the object content. Can use relative or absolute path.
Object File Returned
  names: {
  Points: {